About us
SECMarketingRule.com publishes educational content to help registered investment advisers and industry stakeholders achieve regulatory compliance.
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Recognizing the ongoing need for industry education about the SEC Marketing Rule, Wealthtender, operator of the industry’s first SEC-compliant online review platform for financial advisors, launched the website SECMarketingRule.com.
Articles and On-Demand Webinars
Watch recorded webinars and read articles featuring industry experts sharing their knowledge and insights to help registered investment advisers and industry stakeholders understand the SEC Marketing Rule and achieve regulatory compliance.
Our editorial staff and contributors to this site include highly experienced and knowledgeable professionals committed to preparing and publishing accurate and useful content for the benefit of all visitors to SECMarketingRule.com. We take great pride in the quality of information and resources published on secmarketingrule.com.
The sponsor of this site, Wealthtender, and unaffiliated contributors operate for-profit businesses offering services designed to help registered investment advisers and industry stakeholders achieve regulatory compliance. Accordingly, educational content published on this website will often include promotional material and offers of services that benefit the site’s sponsor and contributors.
Are you an SEC Marketing Rule expert?
If you’re a nerd when it comes to talking about the SEC Marketing Rule and you enjoy creating related educational content to help registered investment advisers and industry stakeholders achieve regulatory compliance, we want to hear from you! Get in touch and let us know your ideas.